Monday, 23 January 2017

Term 2 Self-Assessment

Term 2 Interim Self-AssessmentFirst Name, Last Initial: DongHyun K
Block: 5
Grade Level: 11

1. Give yourself a mark out of 5 for each of the following:
a.    3.5/5    Attendance (consistent attendance, on time to class)
b.    3/5    Achievement (assignments completed and posted)
c.    4/5    Attitude (positive, cooperative)
d.    4/5    Effort (uses class time wisely, consistent effort in all aspects of class work)

2. Please list two specific (with examples) skills or concepts you have learned so far this term:
  • I can: make games using kodu game lab.
  • I can: make games using scratch.

3. Please list one specific (with example) topic or skill you are going to work towards improving in Term 2:
  • I will work to improve: working speed. I think I need to work faster and harder than before.
  • How you will improve this: I can work at home if the assignment is being late and use class time wisely.

 4. Any additional comments you would like your teacher or parents/guardians to know:

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Kodu Pac-Man

1. Basically, I added some kodu for the cycle as same as original games. Cycle needs to keep moving to avoid them, and kodu needs to catch the cycle as fast as they can. I think the biggest difference is no extra lives for cycle.
2. I add green apples as heal packs. The reason why I added these things is the game will be complicated without healing cycle.
3. I had problems with moving kodu because I needed to add path for kodu. They are needed to following the path to catch cycle. However, I wanted kodu to follow cycle when they saw cycle. It was very complicated work for me.
4. I showed my friends to get an advice. They said the game should be easy, so I changed the difficulty of the game. Less following kodu might be helpful for players.
5. Actually, I wanted to satisfy the requirements for this game, so I want to fix some problems that distract the players. I think I need to add instruction and that would tell players the rules and goals.